September 29, 2004

I'm a book nerd...

Did I actually go work on my to-do list yesterday after leaving work?  LOL  No!  I blogged, then sat in my truck to finish reading OwlKnight by Mercedes Lackey.  I have had this book checked out from the public library for several months now and needed to finish it in order to return to the library (before I get even more overdue fines on it).  I finished the last few pages and dropped it off by the library on my way home.  It's not that the book wasn't interesting, but I did a no-no and read the ending of it first.  I could have returned it at that point but I refused to.  I'm finally to the end of the Valdemar series and I will not cheat myself of the full story by skipping half a book because I was impatient enough to read the end before the beginning.  (If you enjoy science fiction/fantasy, especially stories of magic & etc, I highly recommend Mercedes Lackey.  For that matter, I would also recommend Anne Bishop "Pillars of the World" trilogy.)  Anyhoo, of the Valdemar books, I'm on the very last one (until she writes another), and I'm very excited.  This series has taken up the past eight (?) months of my free reading time because they were so interesting.  (Well, not quite that long.  I read other books in between so I wouldn't get Valdemar overload.)  You would think that she'd right in chronological order of the story line but no.  Instead, I have read a book from the middle of the series because the library didn't have it yet (it's still in hard back) and I had to order it myself from a book club.  *sigh*  I started it last night.  :)  I haven't read a series this long since the Hardy Boys, which was nearly 20 years ago! 
It seems I'm always reading books.  I have a two philosophy books in progress, one Edgar Allen Poe book started, one on Wicca, Almanac of the Dead (Native American) started, one on publishing books half done...and I'm sure there are more but I can't recall them right now.  AND the local bookstore called me today to inform me that a book has arrived for me so it'll go on my reading list, and I have two other science fiction books at home that I want to read soon.  I also have a large quantity of Native American fiction that I haven't even got to yet, only collected with the intention of reading.  Whew!  I won't even get started on the number of magazines I have....LOL  or the recipe books....
Is there such a thing as Books Anonymous? 


MikeyMike said...

You're not alone. I too am a member of the BA Club. I'm a member of not one, but two book clubs, and I have about twenty books sittin' on my shelves, right now waiting for me to dig in. Unlike you, however, I am only mentally able to handle one book at a time. Right now, I'm reading "The Shining" by Stephen King. I'm a huge fan of his, which is why his is one of the book clubs I'm a member of. I'm also a fan of Sci-Fi, and can I suggest Weis & Hickman? I've read one of their many, many series, entitled Dragonlance Chronicles, and I couldn't put them down. I'm also a huge fan of Anne Rice. I'm not that into Non-Fiction, though there have been a few here and there. I usually like to get absorbed into dream-worlds where anything can happen - and usually does in Mr. King's books. Okay, this is a long comment. Gonna go, now. Just wanted to let you know that when you're here in Phoenix in February, we can have a BA meeting. We'll tell about our lowest points and hand out coins. Later!

Ed said...

I just wanted to say that I feel your pain. In fact, we just bought a house a couple weeks ago and the thing that I am looking forward to the most is turning a room into a office/library just so I have a place to organize all my books since most of them are in boxes out in the garage. I used to read fiction almost exclusively but I've been on a non-fiction kick for the past three or four years. If you ever want any recommendations from this area, I can recommend about a hundred that you won't be able to put down.