October 28, 2004

kinda gross if you ask me

So I had to go downtown to the student center for a vendor event this afternoon.  As I was riding the campus bus back to work, I noticed there was an older woman sitting up by the driver.....flossing her teeth.  Gross!  We've all seen reports about how bus railings and etc are one of the most bacteria/germ infested areas.  How many germs did she pick up before she started flossing/sticking her hand in her mouth.  Ick!!  Aside from that, who wants to see someone's back fillings while they floss their teeth on a public bus??  *shudder*  Save the hygiene for the restroom.  At least it's a more appropriate place for it...and you can wash your hands first! 

1 comment:

Ed said...

RAOF = Random Acts Of Flossing