writing....part II
So here's another one I really like from the past. I actually wrote it as a high school assignment in 1992.
"The ringing of swords will be heard from afar,
Predicted a gypsy who was reading the stars.
Men will die, women will suffer,
Children will cry and run to their mothers.
A great depression will come over the land,
Evil by name...death will take life in hand.
And squeeze until it breathes no more,
Lets it go, falling to the floor.
Then like a nomad, without a thought,
Evil will tttake flight and go to a new spot.
Life will pick up, the dead will be buried,
Babies will grow up and couples will get married.
Peace will continue until there's a war,
Then death will come to visit once more."
You can't tell we were supposed to write a ballad, can you?
I just wanted to take a moment to elaborate on one of my previous comments - the one about your ability to write.
I rest my case.
I have kept everything I have written since high school. I have stories stored on computer and disks, poetry in a couple books and of course a whole stack of journals for daily notation. Like you, I love to go back through them and see how I have changed and improved over the years. Some of the stories that I have been putting into my blog are taken from these sources and are second and third goes at writing them. Somehow, like wine, stories better with age.
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