February 26, 2007

Fizzled out...

So, I've been avoiding blogging lately, not so much because I have nothing to say but simply because I think "why bother?" Writing used to be a self-therapy of sorts but now it's become a chore or obligation to the few people who do occasionally check the site. In fact, I think it may be time to retire Gidget's World from blog land. I may create something new to take it's place but will have to think more on it.

Really, when look at the whole of my life, it's pretty boring. I spend the work week well...working, with barely enough time to fit in cooking, cleaning/organizing, and watching the few shows I catch on a regular basis. On the weekends I just want to be a lazy bum so I can recharge for the upcoming work week. Of course, the weather plays a big role in the lazy habits of winter and as soon as spring hits, I'll be revising those habits a bit to allow for dog walks every evening and home maintenance/repair on the weekends. Maybe it's like a bear's life. I store up energy during the winter to use on home stuff during nicer weather. A theory, but still rather boring on the whole. I suppose if I lived in an area that offered more activities for the younger generation, I might have more to say...

Tangent: I just realized that one of my sentences above makes me sound like a cleaning freak. The reverse is actually more accurate. When I refer to "cleaning/organizing" I'm actually doing tasks like going through a godawful amount of recipes, discarding the ones that I'll never make or that have ingredients that I can't eat (like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage -- aging sucks, by the way) or going through crafting supplies, filing paperwork, etc. End Tangent

Something that I have been making time for is an ongoing conversation between myself and three other young single gals in the Phoenix area about single life. They make me laugh with their stories of trauma inflicted upon past Valentine gifts and etc. Almost makes me wish I was there instead of here! What a hoot! So, I did a search for single blogs and you'll see them added to my blogger links. I've read a few posts on each and I have to say that they were pretty entertaining!


Ed said...

Well if you do leave the blogging world, I for one will miss it. I like reading your takes on ELO and other miscellaneous topics.

But if you do decide to give it up, at least give us a final post so we don't worry about you. So many blogs in the past have simply disappeared without a word making me wonder if the died, got arrested, etc.


Ed said...

P.S. Also, it is because of you that I got started into blogging which has become an addiction. I blame you for that. Thanks! :)

MikeyMike said...

I have to second that motion, Ed. I only know Gidget because a friend of hers introduced me to blogging.

Gidget, you know I've had all sorts of issues with blogging in the past...sometimes I seem to get myself in trouble...sometimes I don't get around to posting for weeks...sometimes I just don't feel like posting. But, it's definitely a form of therapy for me. Sometimes there are thoughts, no matter how insignificant and boring and immaterial, that just can't be expressed any other way.

If you leave, we'll miss you...of course. But, maybe you can just hang on to the blog, even if you aren't posting, because at some point you may feel like telling a story, venting, or sharing a witty anecdote (did I spell witty, right?).

Later, Gator!