March 01, 2007

Fading TV shows...

I agree that LOST is losing its audience.

1.) I think the diversion into warfare with the "others" is partially to blame but I know that the characters can't sit around twiddling their thumbs for multiple seasons, praying for a rescue without taking some kind of action to break up the monotany.
2.) I also think that the long breaks between the "fall" and "spring" seasons are frustrating and many will likely find other shows to watch in the interim then not switch back.
3.) the 9:00 p.m. CST showing time is killing me. I do stay up to watch it but would really appreciate a return to the 8:00 p.m. time slot so I can get to bed earlier.
4.) At least during this "spring" season they'll have consecutive new episodes, but if they return to the previous trend episode...two weeks of reruns..yadda yadda, they'll lose my attention for certain!

Just my two cents.

Oh, and I was gleefully dancing around the house at Kate's telling Danielle (the Frenchwoman) that she thinks Alex is her kidnapped daughter. I called it! Thank you...thank you...*bows graciously*


Ed said...

The only way I can watch it is with my VCR the next day. I figured it really must be slipping to deserve a nine o'clock time slot.

I though last nights (Wednesday's) episode was pretty ho hum. I'm all excited that Hurley got the hippy van started but it certainly didn't move the plot along any futher. In fact, that episode was nothing but pure filler material. I may be trimming LOST off my list next year.

Sonya said...

I imagine if the ratings don't improve this spring, then the writers will have to end the show next season.

MikeyMike said...

You know, I'm "hooked" on about three or four shows, right now, but I have to admit that I'm losing interest in some of them very quickly. I think the main reason for that is the changes in time-slots. I'm pretty much done with "Lost"...coming back "with 16 new episodes back-to-back" is too little, too late...especially when those episodes still aren't getting us anywhere. Another show that changed times, though, and it's killing me, is Battlestar Gallactica...changed to Sunday nights instead of Fridays. Sunday nights are not good for me...even when I'm not trying to rush through my procrastinated homework that's due the next day. And anytime you start mixing in those repeats, you lose me. I'd rather wait 'till the end of the season and watch it on DVD.