March 15, 2007

Grand Canyon news...

Grand Canyon gets new tourist feature.... a 70-foot walkway that projects over a 4,000-foot drop to the Colorado River. The walkway has a glass floor for tourist interest. Other than the two locations of welding (the ends of the U's) to steel poles in the limestone, there are no supports for this thing. Tourists must pay $25 to use it after having paid $20 just to get into Grand Canyon park in the first place.

My reaction? Oh, hell no. Even the prospect of death in the parking lot couldn't make me walk on that thing. I rather like breathing and walking on non-transparent ground surfaces, thank you very much, especially when you take into consideration one the architect's statements, "Prone to erosion, the porous limestone cliff is the wild card that could determine how long the walkway holds." Now that inspires confidence...NOT!

1 comment:

Ed said...

I would have cheated death by walking on it up until you told me that I would have to pay $25 for the priviledge. I think they are pirates and not Indians.