April 09, 2007

Babies, babies, galore...

Yet another cousin called me this weekend to inform me that she's expecting a baby boy in a few months. Apparently she had told one of our aunts a month ago and that aunt had offered to inform the rest of the family via her siblings (including my mother). However that message never got to us and I laughingly reminded my cousin that my aunts and mother need to write things down in order to remember them. Since I now also have to write things down to remember them, I found it doubly funny. However, this means another baby quilt. *sigh* I'm forever making baby quilts. I guess this is the price for being the oldest of all of my cousins. As they continue to get old enough to populate the world, I'm sure I'll be getting more and more calls.

However, Ashley's phone call prompted me to get Samantha's quilt done (finally) so that's off my to-do list. Now I need to delve into my fabric stash to see if I have enough fabric for another boy quilt. If not, I guess I'll just have to go shopping. Oh darn...what a hardship. :)

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