October 08, 2007

It's been awhile...

I probably won't be blogging much until winter hits. Life has been pretty busy lately and my spare time is generally devoted to cooking and cleaning while watching favorite TV shows. I'm so glad I put the spare television in the kitchen!!

So what's been going on? Well....

1. I've been spending some time with Becky & Zander, helping them out a bit and watching him grow like mad. He's such a joy to be around and his giggles are contagious!

2. I'm taking some seminars and received extra duties at work that eats up my time and brain power so my computer time in the evenings is virtually nonexistant unless it's to play mahjong or some other mindless game.

3. Although the shingling on the house is now done, I'm still painting. Let me reiterate...STILL painting. Scraping, priming and then putting on two coats of color takes awhile. The trim itself needs three coats of paint and I STILL need to finish the painting on the 2nd story windows. Only one is complete (the one that Dad did while up on the scaffolding).

4. I'm trying to prepare for the onset of winter at the same time as all of this, so I still have landscaping plants to get into the ground and established before the plants croak. I think I have some kind of poisonous vine growing in my back flower beds but do you think I can find poison killer this late in the season?? Ha! I just know that's NOT poison ivy.

What it comes down to...

Realizing that I only have a few good weeks left in which to accomplish all of this (when it's not raining), I have made a list of compromises:

Level 1: Have house scraped and primed, ready to paint in the spring. Have plants in the ground and pray for life in the spring.

Level 2: Have house scraped, primed & with two coats color. Trim to be done in spring. Plants in ground and pray for life in spring.

Level 3: Have all of house painted, including trim on 1st and 2nd stories. Plants in ground and pray for life in spring.

Level 4: Win lottery and pay someone else to accomplish the above tasks. hee hee.

In other news...

My sister moved home from Florida so we're trying to help her get settled, buy a car, etc etc. It's good to have her back!

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