February 17, 2008

Time to broaden circles??

I've always had an easy time making friendly acquaintances, but find it difficult to make friendships with people to go hang out with or do things with. In the past it hasn't bothered me much because I've had my family and a few friends to do the occasional thing with, but over the past few years, as those friends have married, had children, or moved to other places, the lack of finding company is becoming an increasing problem. Is it sad that most of my best friendships are with women in their 50's and 60's? I can't really hang out with them, but I find them the easiest to talk to. I know younger people but they have their own lives that occupy their time and even my best friend doesn't have much time to spend with me -- via phone or in person -- since she met a man that treats her like a princess and hogs up all her free time. The younger coworkers in my office are chummy while in the office but that's about it. Do people just not hang out anymore?

Most would say the solution is to go out and meet others. That could be difficult. I don't do the bar scene because I rarely drink and I'm allergic to cigarette smoke. There's a bowling alley in town, but how awkward that would be to walk in by yourself! I'd feel like the lone kid down the block begging for the other kids to let me play their games with them. I've looked for groups in town who might have simlar interests, but the lack of organization around here makes it difficult to locate a group. You would think a smaller town like mine could develop a website or newsletter that could address upcoming events or meetings....

I don't know. I think I'm just getting tired of my own company all the time and the constant snow/freezing rain/bad driving conditions isn't helping me escape the house. At least when the weather warms up I'll have rehab & yard projects to keep me occupied.


Ed said...

We may be moving to your town late spring early summer. Maybe we could join your list.

So B has someone else in her life? Good for her! How is her son doing?

MikeyMike said...

I gotta say I can totally identify with these things. I have a few friends that are available to hang out...only one problem: they're in other cities, other states.

As for figuring out what to do with my time, I usually fill it with movies and books. However, I keep telling myself to use the free time--time I'd rather be spending hanging out with friends--to get some much needed stuff done at home...I just never actually do any of it.

Not sure I have any advice for you...just thought you'd like to know you're not alone.

Anonymous said...

I'm in washington Often bored out my mind what do ya like doing? i'm on myspace as rapierce99