March 23, 2008


So the past few weeks have been filled with miserable spells of coughing, sneezing, etc etc. as I fight a cold and bronchitis. I've never had bronchitis before and I can definitely say I don't want it ever again!! It sucks when you feel relatively okay, but constantly run out of breath and even a few inhales of chilled or moist outdoor air sends you into a coughing fit. Ugh! Anyhow, I've been spending a lot of time sleeping lately or laying on the couch in a zombie-like state, huddled beneath a blanket with the electric heater pointed at me. Me, the always-too-warm person, is freezing cold. *sigh* I hate being sick.

Other than sleeping and fighting illness, I've been finalizing plans for a small garden, cooking and reading. (If you are into cooking, I've caught up on posting recipes on my kitchen link.)

Good news from Becky-land!! She's now a single woman again! She's relieved that the whole process is over and she can move on with business that has been on-hold while the divorce was going through. Of course, she says no good thing can happen without a reality check -- her wallet was stolen out of her office at work and she's had to put fraud notices on her and her son's social security numbers, change bank accounts, yadda yadda yadda. She's rather upset about it since the only suspect is a client she was trying to help. Becky only had that one client that afternoon and left the client in her office for 30 seconds while grabbing a page from the printer. She feels betrayed and almost violated by someone she really wanted to help. I told her desperate people do stupid things and it rarely makes sense.

My sister moved back to Florida at the end of February and seems to be doing well. She's having issues with her boyfriend's mother but I told her the next time the woman criticizes her for resting when she's been vomiting all day, she should just hurl on the woman's feet and calmly walk back to bed... I felt bad for her. It REALLY sucks getting sick when you're on the road! She didn't need to be given grief on top of being ill when it wasn't her fault. (And no, contrary to rumor, pregnancy is not a factor.)

However, pregnancy was a factor in a cousin's recent nuptials. My sister and I both agree that it's the wrong reason to get married, especially after a six-month relationship, but oh well. We'll see how it goes.

That's about it from the heartland. I'm ready for spring...

1 comment:

Ed said...

If you've read my blog, I'm at home with some sort of death crud. I don't think it is bronchitis which I've had before a long time ago. Never the less, I hate coughing through a throat that feels like I swallowed a bunch of tacks.

Glad to hear Becky's divorce has been finalized but sorry that she had to go through one. We just have to make the best of an imperfect world.