The autumn hokey pokey...
Iowans often joke about the Midwestern weather and know that on any given day in the autumn or spring, it's just better to dress in layers so you can add or remove as needed to be comfortable. This is why I haven't yet removed my window air conditioning unit from my bedroom and yesterday's heat wave certainly made me consider turning the central air back on!! I was thinking about that in the wee hours of this morning after dragging myself off the couch (where I had fallen asleep) up to my bedroom, only to find myself flinging off my bed the down comforter (that I just pulled out of storage last week). It made me chuckle this morning as I picked it up off the floor where it had fallen and for some reason I began to sing the hokey pokey tune with modified lyrics. It went something like this...
"You put the down blanket on, you take the down blanket off, you put the down blanket on...and then you start to roast..."
Well, you get the gist of it. Unrefined and the product of a still sleepy mind but it was definitely entertaining at 5:30 a.m.!
Although I enjoy the warmer weekends so I can finish up pre-winter projects, I am longing for some consistent weather patterns...ha! As if that would ever happen...
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