March 09, 2009

A hero in Bonds undies...

I can't help but giggle from this one. A kangaroo jumps through a house window, wrecking rooms and etc. Man wrestles it down and pulls it from the house.

I can't decide which are my favorite quotes in the article:
1) "At first he thought it was a lunatic ninja..." (this guy has experience with ninjas??)
2) "It leaped through the window, this martial-arts kind of figure. It was very Jackie Chan."
3) "I called him my hero. My hero in Bonds undies."


1 comment:

Ed said...

What do you do when your 10-year-old son wakes up in the middle of the night screaming, "There's a 'roo in my room!"

In this town, that has a whole other meaning. Did he levitate in? Was he in some meditation trance? Aren't they supposed to be meditating for peace? LOL