October 11, 2004

Accomplishing tasks...

The carport Posted by Hello
Okay, so my fabulous friend Becky says I haven't blogged "in a long time". My last blog was on Friday but apparently she was really hoping for a blog this weekend. I'm sorry, but I wasn't home Becky! But here is what I did today: I took today as a vacation day from work so I could get some tasks accomplished around the house. What is there to accomplish? Well, first....get the lattice up in the carport so it can block the leaves from blowing in to pile up in front of my side entry (so annoying)...see above. (This is only a first step, more plans to come for the lattice project.) Second, continue working on the bedroom. Well, it isn't finished yet, although I had kinda hoped it would be, but I will be able to get it done this week. I got the last window cleaned, old paint scraped off, holes puttied, and the frame repainted in addition to get the last of the baseboard painted. Considering I was able to get all of my second coats on I feel like I accomplished a lot. I still need to paint the last wall (as well as the closet doors, but those can be taken off and painted outside) so I'll focus on the wall next. I also need to finish painting the ceiling, which shouldn't take too long. I'll post a picture when it's done. I have carpet coming this weekend for installation so I have to get these things done this week. The pressure! Just kidding. It's not too bad since I've been working on it pretty steadily. I even got the room half emptied today! Yes! Third, measure a door in the basement to see if it would fit in the kitchen. It does...it's a thicker door and has engravings in the wood which are very cool. The current door in the kitchen has thin panels so cold really seeps through during winter. Before I can switch the doors, I'll have to sand and repaint the other one though...so that's a new project to get done by the first snow. While I'm at it, I might as well paint the front door too. I've always wanted a red front door. *ponders* What else....I collected seeds from some plants in my yard (for planting in the spring). Of course, my cat decided it would be great fun to get into them and fling them everywhere in the kitchen so I spent some time cleaning up that mess. I'm hoping she starts to learn the phrase "BIG TROUBLE" so she knows when I'm unhappy with her. LOL Oh yeah! Fourth, haul away an old tractor tire that a former owner had used as a sand box. It was so old there were rusted metal strands falling out of it. I knew it was only a matter of time before one of the neighbor kids had to get a tetanus shot so thankfully it's now gone. I only had to pay $15 for the recyling center to take it. Considering the landfill wanted to charge me $33, I think I got a good deal. *thinking thinking thinking* Of course, in between the big projects were the little things - dishes, laundry, cutting down the roses, putting out the yard waste bags for collection tomorrow, watering plants, picking up, chatting with the neighbor about her dog Kujo...oops, I mean Allie...(such a small ferocious beast with an angelic face), checked on my tomato plants for ripe fruit, etc etc....

Although I got a lot done, it barely made a dent in my list of 18 items to do this week. Hopefully the rest of the week will prove just as productive....although since I have to work too, and I have a few evening obligations.....keep your fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Ed said...

Sounds like "Just another Manic Monday." Did you wish it were Sunday? Anyhoo, we close on our house tomorrow and then like you, the fun begins!