September 22, 2006

The Woe of a Cyclone Fan...

So what happens at the highly debated Cy-Hawk game? Friendly rivalry, jests, hopefully "good-natured" ribbing and bets....oh yes, the bets can be quite creative! As featured on South Riverside Drive in Iowa City on Monday, a Cyclone fan lost his bet with a Hawk fan on the outcome of the game (Yeah Hawks!) and had to display himself in an embarassing manner for all of rush-hour traffic to see.

You gotta give the guy kudos for not reneging. This would not be an easy bet to pay off!


Ed said...

Well the odds were in his favor. What was it, six of the last eight games have been clone victories? Yet another reason why I'm not a betting man.

Sonya said...

LOL. Ed, I know your Clone soul is crying at the loss. It's okay to express it...I'll understand. *evil grin*