November 21, 2006

Florida or bust...

By now, most would have realized that yes, indeed, I went to Florida for a long weekend. I had posted my travel intentions on my myspace blog but forgot to list it on blogger. Oh well! I laughed when I posted the Part I, not knowing if people would think I was preparing for NaNoWriMo or if I was actually traveling.

Anyhow, my sister moved to St. Petersburg a few months ago and, since she would be missing the Thanksgiving holiday with the family, her boyfriend arranged for me to visit her instead. Our family has always lived within a short distance of each other so the distance between her and us continues to be a difficult adjustment for her. I don't blame her -- I would be missing my family too! It's the key reason I didn't move to Phoenix when my other close friends did. I had decided that I could survive having my best friends move so far away but I wouldn't make it with family too far away to visit on the weekends. In hindsight, I don't think I had grown up enough to take that step. I could now but I would prefer not to unless a place called to me as being "home". Maybe someday. lol

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