April 09, 2007

The Brothers Grimm...

I finally managed to catch the movie The Brothers Grimm on cable. Previously when I tried to catch it I always managed to see it listed after it had already started. So I would find something else to watch until I could catch the movie at the start point. Sadly it wasn't worth the effort. I can hardly credit saying this, but even Eragon was better than this movie in my humble opinion. The Grimm brothers were portrayed as hot-headed idiots and reminded too much of Dumb and Dumber, which I hated. I spent more time criticizing the movie and characters than enjoying the story line.

I've got War of the Worlds coming my way from Netflix, so I hope it's better than these last two movies. If not, I'll have to consider changing my next movie to Star Trek: TNG, Season 2!

I'm thoroughly enjoying Bones, the TV show portraying life and crime investigation from the viewpoint of a forensic anthropologist. The show frequently has me laughing from oddball comments. I bought Season 1 on DVD a few months ago and only allow myself to watch a few episodes at a time, so I can spread out the enjoyment. I'm already looking forward to buying Season 2. I've also recently become a fan of CSI: Miami. It's not as good as Bones, but is still interesting to watch.

And so goes my boring life. :)


Lee said...

re: The Brothers Grimm review: Agree. Interesting idea but terrible execution. Which was my same one-sentence review of VanHelsing. That one irritated me even more 'cause I thought the idea could've been way fun, but no - we get screechy harpies. And now they ruined those possibly fun ideas for everyone... *sigh*

Ed said...

I had flirted with the idea of watching that movie but haven't added it to my Netflix account. Now I don't think I will.

We have watched War of the Worlds and I thought it was acceptable for entertainment purposes. It wasn't anywhere close to Oscar worthy but it also wasn't horrible either. Just don't expect the story line to be the same as the original War of the Worlds movie.

MikeyMike said...

Diddo on Grimm, and diddo on Worlds. I have to admit that what I liked about Worlds over the original was that it more closely resembled the book, and that's always a plus. However, I think I've seen just about enough of Tom Cruise...he's turning into one of those actors that basically portrays the same character, no matter what movie he's in (he just gets a different name). He could have used "Ethan Hunt" in Worlds.