Missing Obama...
So Barack Obama was in town today. I had heard last week that there was an event planned and had hoped to be able to attend but was told late Friday afternoon that it was a "by invitation only" event. *sigh* So no Obama for me.
I was really disappointed. How often does a gal have to see a presidential candidate without having to drive anywhere to do it? Oh well.
I asked a coworker who did attend the speech about it and was told that it was all about how we need to fix healthcare, but in the most generic of terms and without any details on how to pay for it. After hearing that, I was almost glad that I couldn't attend. It likely would have been a waste of time. Maybe once we get closer to election day these candidates will share more information on the their idea of "how" and not the "what".
I think you are being a little naive in believing that details will be forthcoming before election. I never see details until Congress is voting on the actual bill. I never go because I know it is all just rhetoric. The closest I have been is when Chuck Grassley stopped by where I worked once.
Hence starting that sentence with "maybe". lol
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