June 17, 2007

Catching up on a few things...

So I finally got around to downloading the pictures from the digital camera. Here are the results:
The cross stitch project that will likely take several years to complete. It's real size is 16"x20" and is broken into 16 sections. The finished portion shown above is equal to 2 sections. I had to buy the box sitting above it just to hold the colors used in this project...no kidding. There are about 200 colors used in this.

Zander in his jungle kingdom play thing. He was waving his arms and legs like a bird, happily babbling to the bright lights and music playing. His mom tells me that he's now crawling everywhere and even pulled himself into a standing position last week. She's also discovered that he has his daddy's taste in food and is a fanatic about buttered toast and macaroni with cheese.

Zander enjoying his cupcake at the wedding reception in St. Louis in May. This was an "early" cupcake photo. He was covered by frosting by the time we took it away from him.

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