December 03, 2007

Old Man Winter is calling..

Well, as I'm sure most CNN readers are aware, the Midwest was socked with ice storms over the weekend. AND as is normal for the first bad storm of winter, drivers were being idiots on the roads. People...ICE + driving fast = ditch. Seriously, stay home...the road crews will be out to salt the roads but you gotta be patient! Where does one really need to go on a weekend anyway?

So, yes, my plans for Saturday were scratched by Friday afternoon when multiple Ice Storm warning notifications were emailed to me by my local weather station. I briefly considered keeping my plans but when push comes to shove, none of my errands were THAT important. I rescheduled an appointment, grabbed some good snowed-in junk food, rented movies and settled in to watch the ice build. Saturday dawned gray and murky with pellets of ice descending from the sky, much sooner than any weather prediction had stated. It was a very good thing I rescheduled my appointment. By noon the streets, driveways and trees were covered by layers of ice, brightly shining in what little daylight there was. By evening, rain had melted quite a bit (yes, it was snow, then ice, then sleet, then rain) and Sunday became the day to scoop layers of slush off of the driveway. I thought it would go ahead and melt the lower half of my driveway so I didn't scrape that portion. Ha was ice again by 10:00 p.m. last night.

Oh well, at least I got the sidewalks mostly clear so the kiddies walking to school wouldn't have as much slippery stuff to walk on. Now if I can only remember to buy some ice melt...

1 comment:

MikeyMike said...

Well, I'm glad I don't have to deal with ice and snow these days. However, Phoenix too was dealt a rotten hand this weekend. We finally got a rain storm, the first significant rain for the entire year, and it was a doozy. It was pretty much pooring steady from mid-day Friday all the way up to dinner time on Saturday. That didn't stop me from heading out, though...I love the rain, so I take every possible opportunity to get out in it. Unfortunately, Phoenicians aren't very good drivers to begin with, and when you throw wet roads into the mix it just results in disaster...I saw my fair share of wrecks this weekend. Careful out there.