January 21, 2007


Okay, I know I've been pretty sporadic on blogging lately but I've also been busy working on craft projects. I completed one 9x11 size cross stitch project (kinda looks like an old map with old west images in the foreground). I've just started another cross stitch project that is actually Jan Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring. It's a large one at 16x20" and will take a very very VERY long time to finish. Fortunately it's only x-stitches without any outlining (with backstitching) so hopefully it won't take as long as I'm thinking. I just started last night and I've already made 600 stitches (6 10x10 squares). I'm doing the background first, which is entirely black so I don't have to worry about the other colors quite yet and can work at a steady pace.

When not cross stitching I've been crocheting some scrubbies, round nylon pads that are great for washing dishes without scratching precious non-stick pans. OR reading. I've been working on Alice Borchardt's (the sister of Ann Rice) werewolf trilogy which has been interesting. The first book went quickly but the second one is dragging by....lots of flashbacks and switching between subplots and characters so I'm never certain if it's all occuring at the same time or etc.

That's about it. I rarely play runescape any longer so that really doesn't take up my time. I'm considering stopping my subscription to it but since it's only $5/month, it's not like it's breaking the bank. ;)

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