January 21, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Pictures from the first snowfall of the year (last weekend, that is).... I can't decide if I like the black & white or the color ones better.

Compared to the large dumping we got last night, last weekend was easy scooping! I'm not kidding when I say today's scooping activities involved a wet, dense 7" deep pile of snow that the city trucks so kindly left in my driveway. It took as long to scoop that stuff, one shovelful at a time, than to scrape the remainder of my sidewalks and upper driveway. My back is still aching. (I know, I know...lift with the knees...) The worst part is that it is still snowing...*sigh* My neighbors and I agreed that it was definitely more than the expected 3" of snowfall.

1 comment:

JoeBlogs said...

I like the black and white ones bett. Reminds me of the film, It's a Wonderful Life.